REMINDER: Wed. Janauary 4th is an early release. Dismissals: Whitson @ 1:30 pm; Intermediate, HMS & CHS 1:40 pm

3rd Grade Teacher, 1.0 FTE
Starting January 3, 2023 – approx. June 14, 2023
$215.00 PER DAY FOR 20 DAYS THEN DOE based on 97 days
Visit our website for more information and applications. wsvsd.org

Thank you to our snow crew for all your hard work last week!

UPDATE: White Salmon Valley School District - NO SCHOOL TODAY, Friday, December 9th.

White Salmon Valley School District - Friday, December 9th, 2hr late start. Watch for morning updates.

White Salmon Valley School District - ALL scheduled after school programs and events including athletic practices have been cancelled for December 8th.

Update: All after school activities are canceled today, Dec. 8th, including the HMS/WPSIS Band Concert.

White Salmon Valley School District - Today December 6th, 2hr Late Start.

WPSIS/HMS ski bus meeting postponed to Monday, December 12th in the HMS Library.

UPDATE - White Salmon School District CLOSED today Dec. 5th.

White Salmon Valley School District - Monday December 5th, 2hr late start. Watch for morning updates.

White Salmon Valley School District - NO SCHOOL TODAY. 11/30/22

REMINDER: Today is a 12:05 release. No School Thursday & Friday.

REMINDER: White Salmon Valley Schools Surplus Sale! TODAY, 8 AM - 3 PM. Parking lot accross from Whitson.

White Salmon Valley Schools Surplus Sale! November 1, 8 AM - 3 PM. Parking lot accross from Whitson.

Due to loss of power in the White Salmon area, there will be no home Football game tonight.

Families and Community, If you have not completed the Educational Effectiveness Survey please use the link below.
EES Family Survey Link: https://bit.ly/3MUw4Tf

Power Outage Update: Power has been restored and we are back to normal operations. Thank you, White Salmon Valley School District.

Informational message due to power outage. The school day will continue as scheduled and meals will be served as usual.

REMINDER: All White Salmon Valley School District offices will be closed August 25th for district-wide training and professional development.