Daily meal delivery will start Monday, September 21, 2020.
Delivery vehicles may not be your normal bus, as the district will be using smaller buses and vans for delivery as well.
Routes will be as follows:
The Husum/Ice Cream, Lower Underwood/Frog, Underwood/Rainbow beginning at Highland Orchard, Mt. Brook/Bear, and Snowden/Bluebird will run on a normal morning route schedule.
The Loop/RV/Grape bus and the Bingen/Rose bus will be combined into one route. The bus will leave the yard at 7:00 AM proceeding west on Loop Rd, down to Brislawn, back onto Loop proceeding into White Salmon then out to Courtney Rd on Hwy 14. It will then come back into Bingen making stops, then up to Rhine Village, and lastly up the Bingen hill to the White Salmon Park as it's last stop.
The BZ/Apple and Gilmer/Duck routes will be combined into one route. The bus will make its first stop at Forest Lane off the BZ/Glenwood Hwy at 7:13, up to Oakridge making stops until arriving at Mt. Adams Orchard and delivering meals at their office. After that it will proceed to its regular pickups for the BZ/Apple portion of the route making stops along the way.
Please contact the Transportation Department for approximate bus stop times 509-493-1590. Office hours 09/17 and 09/18 will be from 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM. Hours will be from 8:30 AM-10:30 AM once deliveries begin on Monday, September 21st.
It is important to know that the buses can run very ahead of schedule in the beginning, especially the Mt. Brook/Bear bus and the Snowden/Bluebird bus. Once it is determined what stops are receiving meals we will be able to adjust bus stop times.